ermmmm .. so i had an account here well- i have an acc here on this website now and this person thats apprently the admin or whatever its called literally blocked me for the smallest, pettiest reason ... the reason was for because i was apparently spamming and that i false reported them likeeee ,,, first i wasnt spamming i only talked in the chat like three times and spamming is like ,, texting non stop and second im gonna be honest i did kind of false report but thats was only because the adming thingy person was harrassing me and there was no report for harrassment option .... i also dont think that the person who kicked me out should be the admin of the welcome chat ... i think i was in that one and i also wanted to add that i was kicked for two days. two. days. and thats literally so petty for the smallest reason. i ALSO think that there should be a new admin for the welcome chat because i dont think this person knows what their doing.
this is really long i know but thats because im very upset that this happened because i had only gotten on there too ,,, i actually had returned but on a new account because the last account i had i forgot my password and i couldnt access it.